Honest Thoughts Blog

Emmalynn’s 100 Foods before 1 List (with PDF download)

Today’s post comes with a free downloadable PDF for you. This handout is great for parents with young babies who are about ready to start eating their first foods! For many parents this is such a fun and exciting time in their baby’s life, but it also can be a stressful time. As a dietitian, I couldn’t wait to feed Emmalynn nutritious meals. As a food lover, I couldn’t wait to help her develop a taste for many foods and not be a picky eater. My goal was to make a competent eater and develop those innate intuitive eating skills that we are born with! I am fascinated by the way young babies eat and enjoy food. Somewhere along the way, this ability gets lost in our diet obsessed culture. To help me in my mission to make Emmy a competent, well rounded, and intuitive eater, I set a goal to have her try at least 100 foods before her first birthday!

The approach we used for feeding was a loosely based Baby Led Weaning approach. I won’t spend time talking about that today because you can use this list in many different ways. For now I will say that for my family this was a great choice to help Emmalynn be an independent and competent eater.

I have made a list of 100 foods you can use as you see fit and feels best for your baby. Make adjustments as needed. Each food has a box out to the side so you can check mark as you try those foods.

You can download the PDF right here Emmalynns 100 foods before 1 list

I would love if you downloaded the list and commented with pictures of the completed list or you and your baby trying new foods! The dinner table makes a great place to bond and learn. Some of my fondest memories come from the table. Keep dinner from being a battle by providing a calm and neutral approach to eating.



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